Background Checks for Employment (Employment Screening and Pre Employment Checks:
Criminal Background Check for all levels, aimed at reducing risk in hiring new
employees, tailored to the needs of each client, using the selected modules,
including only what is needed and reducing turnaround time.
Bankruptcy and Credit Cheks. We provide information about the financial viability of the individual.
Business Checks:
Insolvency liquidation Checks. We provide information about the financial viability of the individual or company, including investigating their past bankruptcy or insolvency records and any major credit issues they may have had,
Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) reports,
AML Checks (Anti Money Laundering) and PEP Checks (Politically Exposed
Persons) checks.
CRBR The register collects data about the real beneficiaries of entities entered in the
National Court Register (KRS). AML/CFT. The purpose of the CRBR is to counteract money laundering and financing of terrorism. Detailed and up-to-date data on real beneficiaries should make it impossible to hide one’s identity. Especially
in complicated corporate structures.